Fantasy C-Ringz Remote Control Double Penetrator

Double the pleasure and double the fun with the incredible Remote Control Double Penetrator! Stop fighting over the remote and enjoy the thrill of double penetration without introducing a third partner into the mix! The wireless remote allows you to cycle through 20 thrilling pulsation patterns and find a function that’s just right for you!


SKU: 603912358629


Product Description


PD5926-23 Fantasy C-Ringz Remote Control Double Penetrator from Pipedream Products on Vimeo.

Pipedream Fantasy C-ringz remote control double penetrator
Double the pleasure and double the fun with the incredible Remote Control Double Penetrator! Stop fighting over the remote and enjoy the thrill of double penetration without introducing a third partner into the mix! Driven by a RC frequency that works up to 25 feet, this wireless double penetrator is the perfect couples toy that will add a new dimension to your lovemaking! Take control of the remote yourself or surrender it to your partner and give them total control. The wireless remote allows you to cycle through 20 thrilling pulsation patterns and find a function that’s just right for you! You control when and how often double penetrator vibrates, while you both enjoy the kind of sex you’ve only dreamt about. Made from our body-safe, phthalate-free Elite Silicone, this double penetrator features a round beaded shaft that stimulates and excites your partner with each thrust. The powerful wireless bullet slides onto the base of the beaded stimulator and provides thrilling vibrations where you want them most! The stretchy silicone cockring puts a clamp on performance letdowns by delivering a tight squeeze to his shaft, while the smooth beaded exciter provides extra stimulation during double penetration. Wear the ring around your shaft and pick a hole—the flexible teaser can be used vaginally or anally for equally amazing results! Try it in the shower or hot tub and turn bath time into pleasure time. Cleanup is a snap after the fun with our unique Cyprussexshop Toy Cleaner and warm water. Use plenty of Moist for an extra wet and wild encounter! Now available in Cyprus – Buy it @cyprussexshop

  • Inner Diameter: 1.6 in. – ( 4 CM )
  • Insertable Length: 5 in. – ( 13 CM )
  • Material- Medical Silicone
  • Combine only with water-based lubricants

Manufacturer- Pipedream Fantasy C-RINGZ

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