green commitment

Protecting the Environment for a Sustainable Future

At Love Shop CY, we hold the well-being of our ecosystem in the highest regard. To minimize our environmental footprint, we have implemented comprehensive guidelines for the responsible disposal of waste materials such as plastic, nylon, batteries, and cardboard. Our used batteries are systematically packed and taken to designated disposal points. Plastic bags and other nylon materials are collected in special cartons and disposed of at designated locations overseen by the Limassol municipality and local green community initiatives. Additionally, cardboard and paper waste are neatly stacked on pallets and collected every Friday evening by the local paper recycling service for proper processing. While these measures entail extra costs in terms of labor and time, we believe that the health of Planet Earth and the unique beauty of Cyprus are worth every effort. Our dedication to the environment reflects our love for Cyprus, motivating us to take every necessary step to conserve and protect it.