Arcwave Ion pulsating airwaves male masturbation air stroker

Arcwave Ion pulsating airwaves male masturbation air stroker, first ever Womanizer for Men. Yes, the Womanizer technology for the man is finally here in Cyprus and Greece! Meet the world’s first Pleasure Air™ stroker – Arcwave Ion. Experience a new type of orgasm as unique pulsating airwaves stimulate sensitive Pacinian pleasure receptors in the frenulum.


SKU: 4251460603621


Product Description

Arcwave Ion pulsating airwaves male masturbation air stroker, first ever Womanizer for Men. Yes, the Womanizer technology for the man is finally here in Cyprus and Greece! Meet the world’s first Pleasure Air™ stroker – Arcwave Ion. Experience a new type of orgasm as unique pulsating airwaves stimulate sensitive Pacinian pleasure receptors in the frenulum.
Love blowjobs? Then this is the toy for you. No toy comes close to the Ion in terms of delivering that singular feeling of someone sucking/licking the head of your cock and it s a great use of the air pressure tech you re seeing in more and more sex toys. Really hoping that they make more versions of this and improving on the premise. Make sure you use a lot of water-based lube.
This masturbator defiantly hits the right nerve! Or better said – the Pacini pleasure receptors that can be found on the frenulum. The Pleasure Air technology provides spot-on stimulation in 8 intensities that are well-known and loved by the Womanizer products. This contactless stimulation pleasures the frenulum and provides wonderfully ecstatic orgasms with the acceleration change of the air wave stimulation. The Ion is made out of CleanTech silicone that isn t just hypoallergenic, but also in a medical quality as well. It also has Smart Silence that activates only when the pressure air waves come in contact with the penis. This masturbator is can be easily and hygienically cleaned, thanks to the Twist to Open mechanism. The integrated Dry Tech Stick in the Storage Base dries the masturbator while it is charging. The Storage Base has a lid and doesn t just look elegant, but it also looks inconspicuous and discreet as well. The masturbator is waterproof and can therefore be used in the bath or the shower. Includes a USB cable.
The Closest Thing to a Female Orgasm for Men
Gentlemen, are you ready to experience the closest thing to a female orgasm? Arcwave Ion has taken the male orgasm experience to another level. Watch to find out why this new product has been sending seismic shockwaves through our tester community.
The Closest Thing to a Female Orgasm for Men
Gentlemen, are you ready to experience the closest thing to a female orgasm? Arcwave Ion has taken the male orgasm experience to another level. Watch to find out why this new product has been sending seismic shockwaves through our tester community.
– Stroker with Pleasure Air Technology in 8 modes
– Smart Silence, turns on when it touches the penis
– CleanTech silicone, hypoallergenic in med. quality
– Twist to Open – easy to clean
– Storage base to charge and dry masturbator
– Waterproof
– Includes a USB cable
– Complete length 15.4 cm
– Width 5 cm
– Height 8.3 cm
– Inner diameter Ø 3.3 cm
– Material/ Silicone, PU, ABS
– Weight: 1,3 Kilos
What to find in the box
– Ion – Device
– Storage Base for charging and drying
– 10ml Arcwave™ lube made by pjur
– Mini USB charging cable
– Manual
– Safety instructions

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