Glyde Sheer Dams oral sex sheets Mix 4 pcs

Glyde Sheer Dams Dental are a silky thin sheet of a lightly flavored and come in various taste for a fun and safe way to protect yourself during oral encounters. The Sheer Dam is used as a barrier when engaging in oral sex help reduce transmission of bodily fluids, harmful germs and sexually transmitted diseases. When used properly, latex dams may help reduce the risk of catching or spreading many sexually transmitted diseases however, they can not eliminate the risk.
Silky thin 25cm x 15 cm (10 inches x 6 inches) latex sheets


SKU: 9343359000545

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Product Description

Glyde Sheer Dams Dental are a silky thin sheet of a lightly flavored and come in various taste for a fun and safe way to protect yourself during oral encounters. The Sheer Dam is used as a barrier when engaging in oral sex help reduce transmission of bodily fluids, harmful germs and sexually transmitted diseases. When used properly, latex dams may help reduce the risk of catching or spreading many sexually transmitted diseases however, they can not eliminate the risk.
Silky thin 25cm x 15 cm (10 inches x 6 inches) latex sheets
Barrier product for safe oral sex
For protection and hygiene during oral sex
Unique silky, sensual feel.
4 in a package

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